Lifes Drive Speed bump
Posted: Monday, August 2, 2010 by ShimSham in
I had a very busy summer, which put a little stop to my blog for a bit. I'm going to try to change this however now that all my summer classes, and craziness is done. August has just started, and I'll be going away for a few days to some vineyards out in Long Island. My first getaway in about 5 years or so. Other then that, Madden comes out this month which is big for all gaming, and football fans every year.
Madden also symbolizes the start of the NFL football season. As a Raiders fan, I'm always cautiously optimistic each season. As my baseball team (NY Mets) have hit their own speed bump, the reports from Raiders training camp have been all positive. There seems to be a different feel, attitude, and approach this year on the Raiders. Hue Jackson has really got the team going on the offensive side of the ball, which in turn has fired up the Defense. The Defensive first round picks in Houston and McClain have looked good in camp, and will continue to improve, at least I hope. The last several years have been a rough go, but hopefully this is finally the year the Raiders can break through to a .500 or winning record.
At the very least the Raiders should be able to end their losing streak vs the rival Chargers.